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     Salud y Vida Community Health Workshops is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization developed to promote healthy communities in Nicaragua through interactive education.  A series of education workshops covering Basic First Aid, Illness Prevention and Treatment, Dental Health, Blood Pressure Screening and Women’s Health are presented by Registered Nurse, Corrin Berg and her team, to communities surrounding Los Cardones Eco Lodge in western Nicaragua.  Medical donation kits are distributed to the participants for them to apply their learned health skills into their daily lives. Annually, in spring and fall over a period of two months, the program reaches the lives of over 150 families.  In addition, Salud y Vida presents interactive learning classes in the local public school systems.  Combining hands on activities, singing and playing, we make learning how to be healthy fun!  Salud y Vida provides communities with the opportunity to learn and practice sustainable healthy living skills.

Click on the dates on the left to see the workshops come to life!

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